Tuesday 22 February 2011

In search of self sufficiency....

Due to a complete lack of interest (and help) from our parents and living in the middle of nowhere, Lara and I have decided to share our efforts with the digital community!

This Blog will document our efforts to make our ever-growing family self sufficient from the produce of our own smallholding in North Lincolnshire.  For those of you that know Lara and me, you will realise that this is quite different from how we have lived our lives to date.

Our strive for self-sufficiency has three main aims:

  • To provide our children with a happy and healthy lifestyle
  • To produce the majority of the food we eat ourselves
  • To reduce unnecessary outgoings in our lives

Now don't get me wrong we won't suddenly be becoming hippies, start living in trees or dressing in clothes made from twigs.  This is all about making a change that will sit alongside our existing life.  We have no idea how successful we will be or even if the children will still be speaking to us by the end of the year, but we are going to give it a go and see where we get to!

Hopefully lots of people will follow us and we might even get some help along the way!


  1. Hi, Followed your link from TAS forum. Looking forward to hearing about your progress. Mo

  2. We're not at the breeding stage...yet. For the moment we just raise weaners for meat, last year was our first and we had Gloucester Old Spots. This year we would like to have some GOS and another rare breed, but we're still deciding which. Mo
